
Week of December 19th- 23rd

The System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF have completed the energy project. They had many opportunities to practice orally. They have recorded the functions and the advantages and disadvantage of the energy source. They also had a chance to complete Causal models starting with the outcome of climate change. Factors and effects were discussed by collaborating, analyzing the information shared and dividing the effects in political, economic and environmental effects. 

Both classes are beginning to design zero emission cities considering the use of renewable energy on Minecraft.

The students also completed an individual evaluation about energy.

Ahead in January for us, Global goals for Social Studies, visual arts and drama that will be integrated with the social studies. 

All students were asked to calculate the energy footprint and to inquire about the usage of electricity at home and be aware of energy consumption. 

December 14th

The System 2 Thinkers and The JEFF are exploring a causal model to implement their learning about energy. They will be designing a renewable zero-emission city. The focus on continue during collaboration; the sharing, valuing each others' ideas and perspectives. communication in French encouraging positive collaboration about energy. Critical Thinking of analyzing information and the connections between the effects and the factors on energy.

December 9th

The 3D Thinkers and the JEFF's are applying their knowledge about their research on energy.  They are collaborating and critically analyzing their learning in groups about is functions and effects. The students' oral conversations and focus need to improve. We continue to reflect on the skills and highlighting the collaborative thinking skills. communication and critical thinking. 

Dash and Dot are robots that the students will be programming during class. The robots were used today to promote the thinking and conversation with the robot rolling on facts.

Please take the time to review students' tasks about circuits and the design of the arcade games.

December 7th

We finally had the chance to evaluate the end of the process on electricity, the skills during the process of exploring circuits and the skills during the designing of the arcade games.  The 6C's are the skills for deep learning: Collaboration, Communication, Character, Citizenship, Critical Thinking and Creativity. 

I was able to record a conversation with every student about their progress based on classroom observations during experiments on circuits and the design process of the arcade games. The rubric is based on many criteria covering the process.

Please spend time with your child reviewing all their tasks in Hapara about electricity and robots. The focus is on the design process and reflections about the skills on robots and  the arcade electric games. You are expected to leave a comment on the rubric that is shared in Hapara about your child's next steps after listening to the recorded conversation.

We continue exploring the production of electricity and energy. We have covered international and national issues, inquiring and researching about sustainable energy for the future. 

We were lucky today to learn with an elder from his knowledge and experiences for half of the day. The stories reflected on the significance of real life skills, common sense for decision making, respect and empathy for others. The students will be relating the Medicine Wheel aspects to the Deep Learning of the 6C's skills.

December 6th
System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF's completed their inquiry on renewable energy. They critically analyzed and compared the information that they have searched. Our next steps will be to collaborate and build knowledge through a causal model.

We also have been following the news about Carbon Tax and updates on the pipe lines. A researcher from the Natural Research Canada was able to join us and explain the Net Zero Housing.

It is the Hour Of Code Week. the Grade 6 students have completed a project celebrating their community for Canada 150th anniversary by using Scratch. Scratch will still be part of our programming.

December 1st

The System 2 Thinkers and the JEFF have been working hard at completing Scratch for the Kanata project representing the community for the 150th anniversary. They also embarked on their energy project. We have unpacked, organizations on climate change, energy productions and carbon tax. The students continue to research and explore sustainable renewable energy. More skills and thinking is required in order to connect the learning.

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